Slim Sexy Face Contour through Buccal Fat Removal by DRK
Buccal Fat Removal at DRK is the simplest, safest and easiest way to achieve VShape Face. It's been 3 months after I had my magnificent...

>> V-shape Program: Buccal Fat Removal by Dr. Kolawach <<
Hi lovely viewers and reader, I’m Mae. I had Buccal Fat Removal surgery at DRK with Dr. Kolawach. After seeing the result, I discovered a...

Achieving femininity with beautiful full volume and shaped breasts : Breast Augmentation with Dr. Ko
One of the ultimate signs of being a real woman is having well shaped and developed breasts. In some cases, not all women are blessed...

Rosamond's life easier after breast augmentation.
From flat chested to BIG BREASTS! I have gained a lot of confidence since I had breast augmentation done in DRK. Like most skinny girls,...

>> Symmetric and Proportional Revision Rhinoplasty with Dr. Kolawach <<
Correction Rhinoplasty for a shapely well-formed symmetric nose and achieve perfect nose dimension. Hello everyone, I'm Ploy. I am here...

Handsome Eyes for Men Double Eyelid by Dr. Kolawach
The eyes have a major role for men to look younger and attractive, as the eyes express the emotions and mood of a person. Hi lovely...

>> Double eyelid Big Eyes like a Barbie by DRK. <<
I got more TV, commercials, Magazines and movie offers after I had my double eyelid surgery with DRK. As a rising actress in Myanmar, I...

Fuller Fat grafting Heart Shape Fat Graft by DRK creates a sexier and more balance face contour for
Heart Shape Fat Graft by DRK creates a sexier and more balance face contour for women. A new method for fat filler is upgraded fat...

>> Real Story Review by Mr. Arm with Dr. Beer <<
Hello everyone,let me introduce myself I am Nee, I share to you my experience in doing rhinoplasty at DRK with Dr. Kolawach. First of all...

Look smart, smooth nose with Dr. Keaw at DRK.
I’m inviting you all to take a quick look on the changes I had after I did rhinoplasty at DRK with Dr. Keaw. As I worked in Aviation, I’d...