Beautiful Asian look with Defined eyes and Vshape face through double eyelid and chin augmentation s
Defined double eyelid with natural crease and chin augmentation for prominent chin and shape like a V, are the two beauty makeover I've...

Chin Augmentation and Lip Reshape surgery Review
Hello everyone, I’m Poppie - here to share my experience in doing chin augmentation and lip reshape surgery with Dr. Kolawach Laochaisri....

Vshape Face through Chin Augmentation by Dr. Beer
A warm greetings to all the viewers and readers of this article. I am Nong Pleng, I am still a student and I’ve always wanted to look...

Prominent chin for balanced facial ratio designed by Dr. Beer
Say goodbye to short weak chin! Balance your facial features by adding volume to your chin. I’m happy to tell you all that I had a chin...

Kpop Slim Cheeks: Buccal Fat Removal and Chin Augmentation by Dr. Kolawach
I am aiming to look a Korean Pop Star, and I would like to start with V-Line face shape. I am always envious of my friends who have slim...

Chin Augmentation for Vshape using implant from USA
Chin prominence will give the face the perfect balance and VSHAPE look. Chin Augmentation at DRK uses silicone implant from the USA,...

Look younger than your age by Buccal Fat Removal with Dr. Kolawach
I’d love to look younger, I’d love to be like pretty girls on TV and magazines but my face looks old, and I don’t know what specifically...

Gold Balance V Shape Chin Augmentation with Dr. Beer
A perfect chin creates an overall balance to the whole facial structure. Hi everyone, I'm Aom. I used to have a short and wide chin, also...

Chin Augmentation VShape Program by Dr. Beer
Achieve a balance facial structure through prominent chin. Hi everyone, I'm Pat. If you have a problem with short chin and receding chin...

Gold Balanced face Chin Augmentation
Balance your facial structure by enhancing chin prominence. Chin augmentation using silicon from the USA with a screw to secure the...