DRK Plastic Surgeon
The leading surgery center in Thailand.
Our doctors have excellent training backgrounds reinforced by years of experience and thousands of procedures performed.
Hair Transplant

Baldness gives both men and women a great loss in their self-esteem. People who are experiencing this problem are having an enormous transition looking unlikely as they used to be. This condition is inevitable, for some causes hereditary, hormonal imbalance and physiological impairment and if once left untreated, it can lead to depression.
Hair loss can be caused by many different factors. With that, one of the most common causes of hair loss is androgenetic alopecia (genetic hair loss). Men type hair loss is a known fact, about one of every two men is suffering from this and the women are having hair loss problems especially after menopause.
Things you need to know about hair transplantation
What is hair transplantation (FUE)
Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)
Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is a method of extracting, or “harvesting,” donor hair in a follicular unit hair transplant procedure. In FUE, an instrument is used to make a small, circular incision in the skin around a follicular unit, separating it from the surrounding tissue. The unit is then extracted (pulled) directly from the scalp, leaving a small open hole.
This process is repeated until the hair transplant surgeon has harvested enough follicular units for the planned hair restoration. This process can take one or more hours and in large sessions, may be accomplished over two consecutive days. The donor wounds, approximately 1mm in size, completely heal over the course of seven to ten days, leaving tiny white scars buried in the hair at the back of the head.

How is the hair transplantation being done with the FUE method?
Transplanted hair don't fall off after the hair transplantation procedure. DRK only use hair that don'tt have risks of falling off the root later and don't get affected with dihydrotestosterone (DHT) hormone, because of that it’s possible that it can last for a lifetime.
Hair on the top part of the head can be all lost because of DHT hormone, because of that only the hair from back of the head, also called “donor” hair is used for hair transplantation.
Who conducts these operations?
Treatment is being done by an expert and qualified staff with the management of a doctor, in an operation room equipped with state of the art supplies
What are the risks for hair transplantation?
As all of the medical treatments, hair transplantation has some risks too. Nevertheless, said risks are less likely to occur considering the other medical operations and most of the surgeons we work with have a high success rate.
Preparation for the surgery
Before the treatment, certain studies with the blood work should be done. Surgeon would want to make sure that your general health is good at this point.
Give up your usage of alcohol and nicotine for a couple of days before and after the treatment.
Any drugs that consists acetyl salicylic acid (aspirin for example) or any other active substances which inhibits blood clotting should not be taken for ten days before the treatment.
During treatment and the time period after the surgical operation, patient must wear clothes that can be opened from front and should not wear any clothes that must be pulled over the head.
Please wash your hair on the day of the surgery.
FUE Advantages
No linear scar on the back of the head
Virtually undetectable!
Less invasive
Faster and less painful recovery
Allows surgeon to cherry pick best grafts that will result in optimal yield or hair growth
Low transection rate or graft damage.
Natural hairlines and optimal donor density with optimal aesthetic results
Can be performed when scalp is too tight for additional strip procedures
Great to harvest body hair like beard and chest hair

Dr.Kulakarn Amonpattana, MD.
Thai board of Plastic and Reconstructive surgery
Certified American Board of Hair Restoration Surgery (ABHRS)
Fellow member of ISHRS (International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery)