Asian Double Eyelid Surgery by Dr. Korn

I want to change my typical Asian monolids to double eyelid and look more half breed Asian.
After doing my chin augmentation with Dr. Beer, I planned to do my eyelid right away. I never wanted to go to other clinics because my trust and confidence are already on full blast goes to DRK only.
This time, DRK have a new surgeon who is expert for eyelid surgery which is perfect timing to do my double eyelid with him.
When I talked to Dr. Korn (Eyelid surgery expert), I explained him my concern that I wanted to have a natural double eyelid. Dr. Korn asked me if I wanted to have the stitches only or the incision. He explained the advantages and disadvantages, and so I go with the incision because it will last longer than the stitches.

Right after my double eyelid surgery with Dr. Korn.
As expected, the operation went well. Dr. Korn’s hands are very skillful it didn’t hurt me at all… It was BLOODLESS operation and smooth and gentle. As you can see no terrible swelling and bruises, I am perfectly fine and ready to go back home.

2 days after my double eyelid surgery with Dr. Korn.
It is my schedule to have my follow up and after talking with Dr. Korn, he said everything is ok and the nurse took care of my incision. I am very happy that I can go out normally, though I have to wear sunglasses to protect my eyes from dirt and direct sun rays.

5 days after my double eyelid surgery with Dr. Korn.
Back to school already, everything is safe. No more bruises, no swelling and no pain at all. My classmates never notice that I had an operation, which is great because it means that the result is natural and not severe damage.

10 days after my double eyelid surgery with Dr. Korn.
My incision wound is totally healed and I don’t have to wear eyeglasses for protection anymore. I had no infection or complication within my first week which is the critical stage after surgery. I am so happy I did my double eyelid operation with Dr. Korn.

I look different after one month. All my friends and family are happy to see my transformation again from one of DRK surgeons. I was safe during my operation and the recovery phase was very comfortable.

Amazing result of Asian double eyelid result by Dr. Korn. No scar, no terrible recovery, natural and fulfilling outcome.
I am very grateful to discover DRK and its incredible expert surgeons for making me more beautiful as ever. I will not look for any other clinic to achieve my dream for endless beauty.
My eyes now made me look more pretty and adorable, I am more confident in a different way.
I would like to thank Dr. Korn for making my eyes naturally beautiful and perfect. And of course all the ever helpful DRK staff for being there with me all throughout.
I will surely come back for a surprising plastic surgery procedure.
See you again loves!