Lovely Bright Eyes Blepharoplasty by Dr. Korn

Quickest and most comfortable recovery period for only 7 DAYS!
Hi friends and readers, I’m Aon and I would like to share with you my amazing experience with DRK on changing the shape of my eyes through double eyelid surgery.
Like most of Asians, I have this puffy upper eyelid. I look like I just cried and tired, my friends always tell me did I just cried or am I alright because I look tired.
Until one day, I am going to join a beauty pageant, and my handler told me that I need to enhance the look of my eyes because in the pageant, there will be close up photoshoots and videographs, and my eyes will mostly catch the first impression.
So we began to panic, because we need to do it right away because the pageant is going to happen in a month. We looked all over Bangkok and found no good doctor to do what I wanted, I don’t want to take the risk because I wanted it to be perfect.
Until we saw in ads about DRK, we checked the facilities and doctor’s profile, it got me impressed and made a consultation immediately.
Dr. Korn was articulating facts in ways that I could understand easily, and laid me a realistic outcome.

Timeline of my Eye transformation makeover done by Dr. Korn

Before I had Double Eyelid with Dr. Korn.
I am so excited with my double eyelid blepharoplasty surgery… I want to look blooming right away… I need to attend a pageant at the University in 2 weeks, and I have to look stunning in close up photos.

Just finished my double eyelid surgery with Dr. Korn.
My operation was successful, I’m on my way home now after my surgery. No need to stay at the clinic for overnight. I am very well to go back home, no bleeding and bruising, no terrible swelling and light pain.

day 2 after my double eyelid surgery with Dr. Korn.
I feel so much better now. My mom said she was impressed with my healing process because my eyes look so fine. I am very well with my routines and seems like I didn’t do any surgery.

on the 3rd day after my double eyelid surgery with Dr. Korn.
I went to school for our activities. People said I look different but they can’t tell where. They couldn’t notice the eyelid surgery for it looks so natural.

on the 4th day after my double eyelid surgery with Dr. Korn.
I went to the beach for photoshoot for our school pageant. I feel very confident on close up shots because my eyes are blooming like a new blossomed flower. I feel like I glow under the sun.

5th day after I had double eyelid surgery with Dr. Korn.
We had a mall tour for promoting our pageant. I feel great and confident meeting people.

6th day after my double eyelid surgery with Dr. Korn.
Formal photoshoot and night gown show for our pageant. I really do feel more confident and the people around me can see the new aura that’s beaming obviously…
People at the pageant were all shocked and astound with my projection in the camera, they can tell that my expressions changed as I did artistic and energetic poses…

on the 7th day after my double eyelid surgery with Dr. Korn.
My last day for consultation, and it was nice to hear from Dr. Korn that I healed faster and no complication. Of course guys, I did it with one of the best surgeons in town!
I am so lucky to find Dr. Korn who understood my goal for my eyelid shape, keep it simple and natural and most of all recovery within 7DAYS is remarkable! Now I can confidently and worry-free in performing during the pageant!
Wish me luck!