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Perfect Facial Ratio with V-Line Contour through Maxillofacial Surgery by DRK

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Hello everyone, my name is Ploy. I am just an ordinary girl with extraordinary problems. I was born to have asymmetric jaws, which in that case my jaws are sliding sideways. As I lived my childhood days until I grew up, my daily routine was affected by my discomforts- such as chewing and eating. Do you know guys, it’s really embarrassing to eat in public places, because how I chew my food gives me a hard time to compose myself. Also speaking and talking to class and reciting. I have a very low self confidence when it comes to public reporting, because I cannot say the words correctly, the sounds and the pronunciation differs. It’s really uncomforting, I cannot live like normal people. I know there are a lot of people with worst problems than I have, but if I can do something about it, why suffer right?

My parents knew about my discomforts, and they tried to find an orthodontist, but during the consultation- the doctor said it wasn’t my teeth that causes the misalignment, it is really the jaw. And by the sliding jaw, I cannot grind or make a close bite. The doctor advised me to consult a doctor for jaw. And I am so lucky to have a friend who did buccal fat removal at DRK Medical Group. My friend suggested me to try to talk with the surgeon specialized for jaw surgery to take a look of my problem.

I was informed that at DRK, they use the 4D technology to assess the facial bone more accurately. This I find so helpful, I am really curious to know what the structure of my jaw is and how it was asymmetric.

Also, I was relieved to know that the consultation with the jaw surgery specialist is free. I didn’t waste any time and run to make an appointment.

This is my picture 2 months after the jaw surgery. You will be really amazed with my transformation and my recovery.

I am really happy with the result. My daily routine is now so much better and convenient for me. My confidence to myself has grown which makes me feel like crying. I can’t believe that my problem all these years has come to an end.

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I will start my consultation process story.

As I went to DRK for my jaw surgery with Dr. Chanchai, I came to learn many things about his experiences and great works. He is a professor of medicine and he was around the world to study and practice his specialization for oral and maxillofacial surgery. 2536 Graduate degree in Dentistry Chulalongkorn University 2545 Degree of Doctor of Medicine Srinakharinwirot University 2550 Certificate in Oral Surgery Jawbone and facial (oral and maxillofacial surgery) University Hospital Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany 2551 PhD in Oral Surgery Jawbone and facial ( in oral and maxillofacial surgery) Albert-Ludwigs University, Freiburg, Germany

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Dr. Chanchai’s experience has impressed me. I believe that on choosing a good doctor, his educational background and practice experience is a very huge factor. As I searched for other doctors, they are just general surgeon and have less experience in jaw surgery.

Upon doing my consultation with Dr. Chanchai, he explained to me the possible condition of my slanted jaw and how he will correct it. But by telling it all precisely, he required me to have an Xray in order to visualize my exact facial bone structure.

After the Xray, I had a 4D CT Scan to see the structure beneath the skin. This will help the doctor see the tissues and the nerves in my face. He must be very careful not to cause any harm to my nerves during the surgery because if so- it will cause complications and dangerous for me.

I felt very secured and safe with Dr. Chanchai’s technique. He really is a professional with his job. He makes sure that there will be no risk or harm to the patient. He does not give any slight chance for any mistake during the surgery.

After the 4D CT Scan, Dr. Chanchai made a 4D actual model of my own skull. It looks so scary but amazing. I could totally see what the problem in my face is. I’m excited to do this operation. I am feeling confident that Dr. Chanchai will keep me safe and give me the result that I wanted.

I was advised to have braces for a few months just to correct eh teeth and jaw lining a few centimeters, then after that- I’m all ready for operation.

The cost for jaw alignment surgery costs 250,000 THB. And to deposit 20,000 for booking reservation. My parents were really supportive about this, because they understood that this procedure is different from any other cosmetic procedure, this bigger operation. Honestly in some clinics, it can be less or more but who cares? I am confident with Dr. Chanchai and I believe him. Jaw surgery is not like rhinoplasty that if not liked- it can be removed easily and recovery is only one week. Jaw surgery is a serious operation that once done- will be done and difficult to have another jaw surgery.

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More important is I can live my life the way I always dreamed of. Eat normally and talk with people with confidence.

Before doing the jaw surgery, I was advised a few things, not to take medicines like aspirin and such, 2 weeks prior surgery. My health status should be healthy, not drink alcohol, no smoking and no drugs.

As I have come to finish the course given for occusal treatment from my orthodontist, the most awaited time has come- JAW SURGERY here I come! ^-^

As I arrived in the hospital, all of my records have been all arranged there and just waiting for my presence. DRK nurse and assistant were there to prepare everything I need before the surgery. They also run a few test to check my health status and finally prepare to inside the operating room. (My heart’s beating fast because I’m a bit nervous but more excited about it.)

The anesthesiologist closely monitored by vital signs as he will be in charge with my consciousness. I feel safe with him, he makes me calm and secured.

Jaw Surgery Korean

This is the picture of my X ray and the ACTUAL model of my facial bone structure from the 4D CT Scan.

While lying on the OR bed, I am thinking “what should I be afraid of? DR. CHANCHAI planned my surgery spontaneously.” In fact we planned it together. I totally agree with his point of views and he knows exactly what to do about it. My 4D CT Scan will help doctor to see the nerves that is underlying beneath my gums and skin. So I would be totally safe.

So, that didn’t worry me anything at all. Though this is my first surgery ever, I am thrilled to see the result. I just want to have a normal life like my friends.

Jaw Surgery Korean

After the surgery, I woke up in the recovery room. I saw my parents was there and made me feel comfortable. And to see them smiling gave me a good guess that my operation went well.

I still can’t feel any pain, a bit numb on my face and I still feel a bit sleepy so I just go back to sleep, and more sleep hahaha I was already told about these initial effects after the surgery.

Jaw Surgery Korean

The next morning I wake up, I took a selfie. Gosh, I feel bloated hahahaha I can’t see anything right now but swelling. But this is ok, it’s super normal after surgery. Also doctor did his incredible job in explaining to me how would I look like after the surgery, so this didn’t shock me at all.

Doctor ask me if I feel pain, or any discomforts. I told him no. He told me that I can be discharged in the hospital today if I want. Then I said yes, I would like to go back home.

Jaw Surgery Korean

5 days after my jaw alignment surgery.

Still swelling but no terrible bruises. I feel ok with it. I still take my pain killer medication to ease my discomfort.

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7 days after jaw alignment surgery. The swelling began to subside. ^^

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10 days after. This day is a very good day. I can start to see the jaw alignment. And my face is so much better. ^-^

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15 days after jaw alignment surgery. The swelling is really close to finally disappear. I just have to be more patient about cold compress and medicines for anti swelling.

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20 days after was the same day that does not change much.

I can’t wait to go out and see my friends….

Jaw Surgery Korean

After 25 days, my symptoms improved over time it would provide up to three months.

About my diet, I only eat soft food.

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After 30 days… Wow! Splendid isn’t it??? My relatives and friends told that I really look beautiful!!! I’m so happppyyyyy!!

Jaw Surgery Korean

40 days after. I am like a new person!!!!! So amazing!!!

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50 days after. I attend so many activities lately. I’m back to my normal routine, but more suitable! I am so much alive now! hahahha


Jaw Surgery Korean

60 days after jaw alignment surgery jaw drop. Swelling is totally gone right? And the alignment of my face is perfect! Just so perfect!

Plus some people say, I look like a Korean.. hahaha!!

I like it when my trusted friends tell me that I changed a lot. I am feeling that this is the life that I have been dreaming of.

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Jaw Surgery Korean

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I would like to thank DR. Chanchai and DR. Kolawach for being such wonderful angels, you are indeed the best surgeon in Thailand. Thank you for keeping me safe and making all my dreams come true. My life is not just beautiful outside but also it changes my daily routine. I am now confident and I can do things I can’t do before. Like eating in public, reciting in class and many more.

Also to DRK Team who assisted all my needs and given me all information that I need. For taking care of me every day, keeping in touch during my recovery days and always reminding me that I am not alone with all of it. Thank you for keeping me comfortable and at ease at all time.

I will not forget how you changed my life, how you made me who I am today. I am so grateful to all of you. THANK YOU KAAAAAAA Sayonara

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