Korean Face, Thai Nationality! Makeover after Maxillofacial Surgery at DRK!

Having a bad teeth structure doesn’t only affects ones appearance but also the life style that one could be living. My way of living is different from normal people. I grew up with a lot of difficulties coping up with routines, like eating, speaking and breathing while asleep.
My teeth and jaw asymmetry were the main reason of these troubles. Not that, my self-esteem is low and every time I hang out with my friends, I always feel inferior to them.
Since childhood, I thought there wont be any chance of getting it right. There are no well known jaw surgeons that I could trust, and jaw surgery is not that highly recommend to me. Doctors advised me to see a dentist and get my teeth fixed, I did braces for a long time, though it did not change the asymmetric jaw that I have, leaving my teeth still crooked.
My parents and I looked around Thailand to correct my jaw misalignment. Gladly, we found DRK as one of the famous plastic surgery center in Thailand. Their surgeons are all board certified with special field in each section of plastic surgery. DRK surgeon Dr. Kolawach and Dr. Chanchai are the experts on Jaw Surgery, I read about them and they have hundreds of patients with good feedback about their successful operation and incredible results.
The process of this Jaw Alignment surgery with DRK:
1. . Checking my dental structures by placing cement/clay to see if the teeth are proportionately to the gums.
2. Xray and CT Scan to accurately assess the jawbone structure.
3. Actual model of jaw bone structure: after having the xray and ctscan, doctors and medical team made my very own skull structure to discuss with me my condition and explain the process for me.
4. 4D stimulation: though cutting edge technology, DRK surgeons showed me my expected outcome in simple way to understand it.
Doctors also suggested that to look more beautiful and achieve feminine face shape, I could have chin reduction. Chin reduction will give more balance to my face. So I totally agreed with my doctors advised.
I am 100% definite that I will have my jaw surgery with DRK. The steps for consultation and preparatory course were thorough and complete details.
I will do the major operation in Samitivej Hospital which is a JCI accredited hospital. This gave me more confidence that I will be very safe during the operation. I will be under general anesthesia and will stay in the hospital for one night for close monitor of my health status. Nice right? lets do this!

This is me before the operation. See, my upper jaw is protruding. I look funny that way. I’m not completely happy with it, that’s why Jaw surgery is the only solution to free myself from those troubles I have in heart.

Me right after my jaw alignment surgery and chin reduction. The 1st week and 2nd week. Amazingly my face wasn’t that scary as I thought. It was swollen for 2 weeks but after that I was totally fine. I had no terrible bruises, no unbearable pain and no scar outside my face. I was so lucky to have my operation done with DRK.

1 month to 2 months after my jaw alignment surgery and chin reduction with DRK. I feel great about myself. I go out as usual and no more downtime for me. My friends and relatives are all happy to see me glow and blooming.

3-4 months after I had Jaw Alignment surgery and chin reduction with DRK. Do you see the changes in my face? I look so much different and feel different in a good way.

I never thought my dreams will come true, and above all I didn’t go through hardships to achieve it. DRK made it very easy and comfortable for me. My operation was safe and so was my recovery. I really thank them for taking care of me and giving me the best possible result I can ever have.
Thanks to my surgeons Dr. Kolawach and Dr. Chanchai for making my dreams this incredible. I will definitely recommend everybody to try DRK’s greatness because everybody deserves to be happy just like me.