From FLAT-chested to FORMED BIG BREASTS! Confidence of a REAL WOMAN!

Confidence is the key ingredient to a genuine beauty. Discover a new way to gain confidence through beautiful face and body.
***BEFORE Breast Augmentation surgery***

Hi, I'm Ai, I somehow appear on social media and some modeling around Thailand. Although many people follow me and gives me good compliments, I still feel insecure about my small breasts. I don't feel sexy and give me inferiority complex every time I try to look sexy, but my flat chest always fails me to achieve it.
***BEFORE Breast Augmentation surgery***

With small boobs, I feel like little girl in primary school. At this age, high school students even have bigger boobs than mine. It is really sad because I wanna look sexy and confident, and I believe that women must be confident about their selves and having big boobs will make mine.
But if I do this, going under the knife to achieve my dream of having big boobs then it has to be perfect. And it has been a difficult quest to find the best one here in Bangkok because there are pool of plastic surgeon everywhere.
I did my research painstakingly, all edges all the corners there could be. and look where my fate took me.
***BEFORE Breast Augmentation surgery***

Here, at DRK. I choose DRK because I believe in what they do. Dr. Beer has a very good reputation and feedback from his patients.
My consultation went very well. After carefully measuring my breast and circumference, we made a conclusion to have 275cc as my silicone volume.
DRK uses Mentor implant which is trusted by most experts around the globe because this is made from the USA with the best quality material that makes the breast look and feel natural without any complication in the future.

The breast augmentation procedure is done in the hospital, Samitivej Hospital.
I feel very safe doing my major operation in a JCI accredited hospital, it give me more security and safety while on the table totally asleep. With the DRK team and hospital medical professionals, what can go wrong, nothing.

**The following day right after my breast augmentation procedure**
Dr. Beer came to see me for first follow up and DRK staff came to visit me to help me wear the support bra.
I am feeling fine, the pain is bearable because of the medicines and also because Dr. Beer performed the bloodless technique which caused no bleeding and harm to my tissues.

**1 week after my breast augmentation with Dr. Beer**
Look at that gorgeous breasts ^^ I feel very happy with the result. I can feel that my confidence is building up.
My condition is perfectly fine, totally back to normal.

My recovery is very fast, thanks to Dr. Beer and his team for doing an incredible job.
Feeling good about myself is the key to self contentment, and I believe that is very important to all of us.

From a kid to a real lady I have become.
Now I can wear anything I want and pull it off perfectly, looking confident and sexy.
It's been a month since my breast augmentation with Dr. Beer, and as expected everything is perfect. My breasts are perfect and will remain perfect because DRK is my ultimate Beauty Maker, and I know they will take care of me, keeping me beautiful and more beautiful. ^^