Gold Balance V Shape Chin Augmentation with Dr. Beer

A perfect chin creates an overall balance to the whole facial structure.
Hi everyone, I'm Aom. I used to have a short and wide chin, also a receded one. This innate shape of my face is bothering me for years because it makes my face too square and for me it's not attractive and I look like a man.
For you guys out there who have the same situation as mine, maybe you can relate to my struggle.

Sometimes my face look so round with the shape of chin. And having a round face will leave the impression of being chubby, and I am not chubby at all.

In some angles I could form a double chin, this is because my chin is too short and blunt. I'm really not comfortable with it.
I asked my friends for some advice. Some said filler injection and some said implant insertion.
I did a lot of reading about the difference, and I go for silicone implant. Why not filler? because it is not permanent, and its foreign material once injected might remain in the body once injected too much and every once in a while. More people are having complication after using filler than silicone. Silicone is permanent, if and only if i want to change the design, the silicone can be removed easily and my face will be back to normal. Although, of course I have to choose the best surgeon to do the procedure for me.
Otherwise, any procedure or technique will fail.I did research and saw many new coming doctors, but I want a well experienced one. And with good reputation, a doctor that has an outstanding profile and background.I chose DRK to be my Beauty Maker because they are the most trusted by celebrities in the country. And I want them to be part of my beauty quest.

**This is me the next day after my chin augmentation surgery with Dr. Beer**
The operation was a success, that's obvious. I had no terrible swelling and bruises and the pain to too slight.
Although I was advice not to eat hot and spicy food and beverages to prevent irritation to the incision inside.
Dr. Beer used a SCREW technique with will secure the silicone in perfect position and will be in place no matter what activity I will do.

**7 days after my chin augmentation surgery**
I feels so much better now, my life is back to normal and I feel like i didnt do any surgery.
I can also see the changes in my face, it begins to shape like a V!
This is so great!
Look at the changes of my chin, the prominence have given my face a harmonious balance! I can confirm you all that I achieved my goal to have gold facial balance!

I am very confident now, the slim sexy face is because of the perfectly shaped chin. I am very lucky to choose Dr. Beer as my Beauty Maker. He did the best result for me, I feel like crying of full joy in my heart.

If you guys want to gain permanent confidence and permanent result, I recommend you to have consultation with DRK surgeons. I assure you, it wont waste your time ^^

Thanks to my great great and super kind doctor and Beauty Maker Dr. Beer for making me look like a superstar!
The confidence that I have for myself is such an incredible feeling. No more feeling inferior and insecure, I feel great about myself and the positivity it gives me is irreplaceable.
Thank you to all DRK team for such efficient and always ready to help anytime anywhere.
I love you guys!
Til we all meet again ^^