Vshape Face through Chin Augmentation by Dr. Beer

A warm greetings to all the viewers and readers of this article. I am Nong Pleng, I am still a student and I’ve always wanted to look beautiful. I am not confident on how my chin looks like. It is less prominent and blunt, makes my face looks square. I want to look like a Korean beauty, with a bit pointy face like a doll. I think that’s pretty normal to most of the girls. In college, so many girls are looking more and more beautiful after doing plastic surgery. It begins to be a trending procedure to my age in this era. Plastic surgery is well accepted and adopt by most Thai people, and so at the very young adolescence stage, people are running to plastic surgery centers to do certain procedures.
The environment that I live in has a huge compulsion towards cosmetic surgery, making nose, eyes, slimming and the list goes on. Some have failed, some got an incredible success. On my part, I was completely perplexed whether to do it or not. If I have to do it, it should be the best and I am not going to have complications in the future.
I continuously observed them and when my friends are doing it- I compared the result. One day, my friend got a nose job, then buccal fat removal then chin augmentation- all in one plastic surgery center- DRK. It caught my attention, and I ask her to accompany me to go see a doctor for consultation.
Before going to DRK, I did research- and saw Dr. Kolawach. I saw him on a Magazine, tv and internet but I didn’t much pay attention until I knew I needed a surgery.
So when I got to the clinic, I talked to Dr. Kolawach, but found out that the price is too costly for me to afford. So DRK staff advised me to go see Dr. Beer. At first, I was a bit forlorn for not being able to do it with Dr. Kolawach, but after talking to Dr. Beer, he is as good as Dr. Kolawach. He explained me everything I need to know, and he’s so kind.
Dr. Beer told me that the procedure will be silicone implant, and the incision site will be inside the lower lips, just enough to have a good access to the chin. The implant is made in USA and he trusts this brand because it has the best quality among any implants. And this is the standard silicone implant of DRK, all implants are made in USA. Dr. Beer answered my questions clearly and confidently.
Since it is my first plastic surgery ever, Dr. Beer has sensed it. He asked me if I am ready to do it. He comforted me with my fears and gives me assurance that everything will be alright. I felt confident with him, he is honest with his words, and shows me a freedom to think about it more before doing it. I trusted him even more, because he concerns of my well being than anything else.
I did it right away. I made an appointment but my operation will be on the following week (I didn’t realize, Dr. Beer has many patients, because I don’t really see him in media like Dr. Kolawach).
So when I most awaited and controversial day of my life has arrived, my chin augmentation surgery, I am completely relaxed because DRK staff really took care of me. They assisted me step by step and they talked to me securing my mind about the surgery.
In the operating room, Dr. Beer has very gentle hands. Even though it was my first time, it’s like just the same when I had my tooth removed, even less pain. When the silicone is inserted, now it’s the time for the screw. The screw will fix the silicon to its place, securing it not to reposition in any way. This technique is very innovated. An excellent technique by DRK.

This is my photo taken at DRK as their protocol for medical record.
You can notice that my face look square. This is not my ideal face. I want to look like a soft and sexy face like Koreans.

2 days after my chin augmentation surgery with Dr. Beer. A bit swelling, but surprisingly no bruises. I still apply the cold packs to help reduce the swelling. But it’s not painful anymore.
I still can’t eat hard food for now. I eat noodles and porridge. And not hot. Just warm enough that I can bear.

5 days after my chin augmentation surgery with Dr. Beer. The plaster was removed already on the 3rd day. You can notice that there’s no scar outside, because Dr. Beer did the incision from the inside. The sutures are absorbable, so no need to go back for stitch off. ^^
It’s a bit swelling but it’s ok, I can go out and shop with my friends.

2 weeks after my chin augmentation surgery with Dr. Beer. This is so perfect! I just love how my face turned Vshape like I always wanted! I feel so cute! My confidence is boost now, and all my friends are amazed with how I look. So natural!

Taking a lot of selfies ^^ I just love my new look. Now I understand why most of the girls are doing selfies almost everyday- because it is a gesture of showing how they love theirselves. So now, I'm loving mine ^^ Thank you Dr. Piti <3

One month after my chin augmentation with Dr. Beer.
You can see how it changed my look. All my friends and schoolmates are now asking me where I did it, the people I just met can never tell I did something because of its NATURAL result.
Most of the perks are no downtime! Only 3 days and my life went back to normal! How amazing can it get? I am really happy to do my chin augmentation with Dr. Beer. I will plan to do more surgery with him in the future.
DRK surgeons are indeed the best among the rest! Go guys! What are you waiting for!
Thanks to all DRK staff for helping me since day one (consultation) until at this moment. I really felt the genuine concern and comfort from you.
And to DRK Group, I will always be your loyal patient. I trust in you. ^^