Rhinoplasty and Alarplasty designed for Men

My pleasure to give you my review about the plastic surgery I’ve done with DRK.
I had rhinoplasty and alarplasty with DR. BEER.
To begin with, I am aware that my look was never attractive enough. I know, I got so many moral support from family and friends that all I got to do is to accept and feel good about myself. But honestly, it really didn’t change anything when I look myself at the mirror. I have always longed for a better nose. Apparently, my inborn nose shape is short, and bullous. I can’t blame anyone for acquiring it innately but I know innovation can change it. And I really wanted to change it, make me feel really good about myself.
So I asked my family, and they are supportive to me. It wasn’t difficult to ask their blessings. Next my friends, how they would think about it, and expectedly they all agree with me. In fact they want me to do it first and then they will do it if they so the outcome will be a success.
My next move was to look for the best surgeon to do the rhinoplasty for me. Researching through internet was like choosing a good fish in the ocean. There are soooooo many surgeons and clinics, and all with good background, and that’s why it took me almost a year to finally found the best surgeon! I had been to many clinics and hospitals doing consultations and inquiries but none has interest me until I found DRK in Youtube. I look up on their website and found good reviews regarding my concern rhinoplasty. And since Im a student, I grab the opportunity of their offered promotion under Dr. Beer’s. Right then and there, I asked for an appointment to see and get advice from Dr. Beer.
Upon entering their center, I have observed the ambience was cozy and clean with good numbers of patients and welcoming staff. That has given me the right impression at first hand. When it was my time to see Dr. Beer, meeting him was so calm and relax. I wasn’t intimidated by his presence at all, encouraging me to open up all my concerns about my planned surgery. His assessment was accurate and his advice was achievable and genuine. I was amazed on how he explained to me thoroughly about the procedure that I am going to undergo and the expected outcome. I needed not only silicone implant to make my nose more prominent but I also needed nose wing reduction (alarplasty) to make the tip more narrow and give me good outcome. I concluded then that this is the moment that I’ve been waiting for, the right surgeon to do rhinoplasty and alarplasty for me.

This me before doing the rhinoplasty and alarplasty with Dr. Beer. You can see my nose is short but flared. It doesn’t look good on my face. Really. That’s why I really wanted to change it, because I look funny with my super wide nose. My friends are mocking me about it, I know it’s a joke but somehow I know it’s really not a good nose.

The 3rd day after my rhinoplasty and alarplasty with Dr. Beer. I’m so lucky it didn’t swell that much unlike what I saw in other people when they do the surgery. I have no bruises as well, no pain and can still do things normally. I can’t wait to remove this bandage to see my new nose. [if !supportLineBreakNewLine] [endif]

6th day after my rhinoplasty and alarplasty with Dr. Beer. Hey guys, you gotta notice that defined line in the middle. And my nose tip is narrowed now. Though it’s kinda bit swollen, but it’s not that obvious. I can go out with my friends and have dinner.
My family and friends were really astonished with how I look right now. The changes are incredible and natural! I also didn’t have a hard time recovering from the surgery! I’m so lucky to do my rhinoplasty and alarplasty at DRK.

10th day after my rhinoplasty and alarplasty with Dr. Beer at DRK. Swollen started to subside almost gone, but at the tip is kinda bit swollen for now. I love the curve of my nose, and the shape of the silicon inserted fits on me well.

14 days after my rhinoplasty and alarplasty with Dr. Beer at DRK. I am so happy and proud with the outcome I get. My friends are now on queue to do surgery with Dr. Beer. Hahaha At this time, no more swelling and definitely no bruises and no pain, I am perfectly able to go back to my normal life as ever, but now with more confident attitude.

Comparison of my before and after photo. See guys how much it changed my appearance. I really feel confident now. My expectation was achieved and my happiness of this success will remain in me forever.
I would like to thank Dr. Beer for making my dream come true and ending my suffering with short and bullous nose. Now my life has changed in much better way. I will surely come back and do more hahahaha
Also I would like to thank DRK team for assisting me and taking care of me during my recovery days. They made sure that I wont be worried while taking up the healing. And the right information to make me get better every day.
I am wholeheartedly thankful of DRK.