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Slim Sexy Cheeks through Buccal Fat Removal

Hello friends, some of you might have the same concern as I do who wanted to get rid of the chubby cheeks and get a V-Shaped face like sexy Koreans. In this real story review, I could get you some tips and help you decide and choose the best procedure and doctor for you.

My chubby cheeks are my family’s genes, there’s no escape from that even though I persist myself to strict diet. I did research on how to get a slimmed face; there were many procedures such as botox, threadlift, lasers etc. Hence, nothing ever helped me get the best maximum result.

Tips to know for V-shape procedures: not all procedures have the same target and also have different effect. For botox, it will work on your cheek muscles by reducing its size. So whenever you clench your teeth, the muscle there wont be too prominent. But if your cheeks don’t have that much muscle, then the problem is not addressed. Second, the thread lifts. Thread lift is good for saggy facial skin and fats. It will lift the skin and subcutaneous fat making the skin firm and tighten. It is good but it does not effect of puffy face like mine. If the fat is saggy, the result would be dramatic. But my face is chubby not saggy. Third the laser treatments are merely the inconvenient way of doing the thread lift. It is advisable if you are afraid of needles, but nevertheless the effect and how long it would last are almost the same with thread lift. Fourth would be the major plastic surgery procedure which is the Jaw Reduction surgery and thank heaven I don’t need it because my facial bone structure are not wide and prominent.

My condition was FAT cheeks, and huge amount of it. Of course liposuction would not be the best option. Good thing there’s buccal fat removal surgical procedure to solve my problem. Then the next problem follows – whose surgeon it’s gonna be. I want the best; I want the perfect surgeon to do the operation for me.

All of us do not want to go over and over the same operation, that’s why my objective is to do it once. Looking for the right surgeon, I was lucky to find DRK. DRK is all over the internet. And I knew some celebrities that HONESTLY go there. I emphasized “honestly” because in some plastic surgery clinics, they only pay the celebrity to be their endorser but actually didn’t do surgery with them.

So when I came to see Dr. Kolawach, I immediately trusted him from then on. He explained thoroughly everything that I must know about the surgery. He made sure that I understood all of it prior doing the surgery. It was all crystal clear to me, and right away I made an appointment for buccal fat removal surgery.

This is me before doing the buccal fat removal at DRK with Dr. Kolawach. You can notice that my face is really chubby. Not because of muscle or saggy skin or jawbones, but because of excessive accumulation of fat in the cheeks. Buccal fat removal is the best option for me to get rid of those fats.

This is me 2 days after my buccal fat removal. I went to DRK for my first follow up. I am to remove the bandage they gave me. This facial bandage helped reduce the swelling. Then my next appointment would be on the 7th day…

No removal of stitches is needed; Dr. Kolawach used the absorbable sutures so I just have to wait for sutures to be dissolved. There’s no pain now, just a bit swollen. No bruises as well. It is really nice, I can go out and meet my friends as usual.

Dr. Kolawach said that the swollen will subside in the first week and the face will get slimmer up to 3months maximum.

This is me 2 weeks after my buccal fat removal plastic surgery at DRK by Dr. Kolawach. You can see that my face has got slimmer. My friends told me it was really amazing and they wanted to go see Dr. Kolawach for a consultation hahaha

Three weeks after my buccal fat removal surgery plastic surgery at DRK. See guys, like is so normal, no downtime really. Today I had a vacation out of town with my family. Life is normal, I can do adventurous things as normal. Thank to DRK and Dr. Kolawach for the incredible job.

This is me before and after one month I had buccal fat removal plastic surgery at DRK by Dr. Kolawach. You can observe the changes of my cheeks. My dream of having a slim face has come true. In just one month, my life has been better.

So this is me now 6 weeks after my buccal fat removal surgery at DRK with Dr. Kolawach. More than a month ago, I suffer from chubby cheeks and mockery from my friends. Now I shocked everyone when they see me VShaped face, they can’t believe my immediate transformation. Other say I look like a Korean, which I really like heheheh.

I would like to thank DRK for the information and guidance they gave me before and after the operation I had. And of course with Dr. Kolawach for a job well done again, and making my dreams come true in attaining the beauty of a Korean girl. Everything was like a dream, a beautiful one. But this one is a dream come to life.

Thank you friends for reading my story. ^^

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