Reconstructive Chin augmentation with Dr. Kolawach

Lucky to have found DRK for getting my chin corrected after a terrible result from other clinic.
It was a horrible experience for me when my previous chin augmentation surgery from other clinic got infected and caused many complications on my chin.
I am sharing this to you because I want to set an example of how bad can it go if you do plastic surgery to an inexperienced surgeon and fake silicone. And also to educate you from the patient's view.
We all hear surgeon's view, advice, perspective, and all other marketing craps they give us, but how do we know they are telling the truth? not until we do the surgery and figure out what's true and what's not.
The disadvantage is that, we put ourselves under their knife and trust them completely, the outcome is ours to endure. No more fake and bias news from inexpert surgeons, it's time we voice out and help fellowmen to not make the same mistake we did.
Just like everybody else, I dream to have a VShape face and prominent chin, to give my face a more dynamic figure and look beautiful of course. My surgeon advised me to do the filler injection, then the result wasn't that good, so he removed it and put silicone, and it went wrong and got infected, then he did a replacement (silicone) but then it never looked better. Everything just got bad to worse to worst.
I was very depressed and my confidence was gone, I always cry and didn't wanna go out of the house, or meet people. It was a nightmare, it was difficult to look at myself in the mirror.

This was how my chin looked like after having 3 times cosmetic procedure on the chin.
My tissue and muscle inside the chin was destroyed due to silicone infection and the filler substance must be harmful to my tissues, and then it got irritated once removed and replaced with a silicone that has no good quality.
So can you imagine how depressing my situation was? My life has become a big distress because of this wrong cosmetic procedure.
But I couldn't just sit and accept what happened to me. So I did my best to look for the perfect surgeon in the country. I took a research painstakingly and fortunately I found DRK. I saw the reviews from their patients. I was very impressed with the results and how much impact their makeover did to their lives.
I saw Dr. Kolawach’s professional background and he is very good in reconstructive plastic surgery. He had accomplished so many reconstructive surgeries, and my condition will be easy for him.
During the consultation, Dr. Kolawach thoroughly explained to me how the procedure is going to be. We will have two procedures, first he will replace the silicone implant that I have to a new one that is made in the USA, he showed me the material I feel very confident that this is a high quality material. Plus he will secure the silicone with a titanium screw, to position the silicone and keep it in place permanently. Then he will inject fat to the disintegrated tissues on my chin and make the shape back to normal.

This is me before the reconstructive chin augmentation. The operation was held in the JCI accredited hospital, I am feeling secured and safe because DRK prepared to do the surgery here.

**During the procedure of reconstructive and corrective case of chin augmentation.**
This is not just any normal chin augmentation procedure. Because of my disintegrated tissue, Dr. Kolawach had to remove and cleanse the destroyed tissues inside my chin, and he has to carve and customized the chin implant to give me the best result.

This is me next day after my chin surgery.
I was advised to wear this face garment support to help reduce the swelling faster, aside from that I apply ice packs over the chin area as well.
My overall health is pretty normal, my body can do normal things that I do every day.

One week after my chin surgery
As you can see, the wound is totally closed, and no signs of bruises. Doctor told me that once the chin implant and tissues already settled, we will have our next procedure for the fat graft injection to make the shape of my chin balance and smooth.

Second week after my chin augmentation.
Everything is back to normal at this time, no more swelling. Everything is back to normal, and so we made an appointment for my next step procedure, the fat graft injection.

On the third week, we had the fat graft injection into my chin to make the dents even and leave a smooth skin on the chin. This time, we did the procedure in DRK clinic. The facilities are the same as the hospital’s. Everything is clean and sterile, the technologies are very reliable for monitoring my vitals during and after the operation.

This is a month after the fat transfer injection.
I am very satisfied with the result! Everyone that I know was all surprised and happy to see this magical result! It looks like nothing happened on my chin! Another best thing is that the customized silicone implant is perfect for my facial structure!

Look at the changes that happened to my face, from worst to best! Really incredible makeover in the history of plastic surgery!
I am very thankful that I found DRK and Dr. Kolawach to change my life forever!
From looking terrible, I thought I can’t get my life back, but now I feel so much better seeing my face with so much improvement.

I am forever thankful to Dr. Kolawach for correcting my chin, and making my dream face come true. My confidence about myself have risen up, and my friends and loved ones could see the positive vibes in me. I don’t look depress anymore, and I don’t feel downhearted because I feel and look beautiful inside and out.
So my advice to all of you, do not rush in doing plastic surgery. You need to have knowledge about the doctor, facilities, and reviews of the patients. I hope this review helped you.
See you again soon for more makeover revelation! ^^