Magnetic gorgeous eyes by DRK

The only way to achieve a natural and permanent definitive and expressive eyes is through double eyelid procedure.
Hi everyone, I would like to share with you my experience in doing double eyelid surgery at DRK which made my life so much better.
I'm Koungnang from Laos, and I am an MC/ TV host in our country. My insecurities with my eyes made me lose confidence looking my cohosts or celebrities in the eyes. Have you felt something like that? where you can't make an eye contact because they would see the your tired-looking, dull eyes?

I wanted to do something about, first putting a lot of makeup and cosmetic eyelids just to cover my bored eyes, but it doesn't look natural. A heavy makeup is not appropriate all the time.

My small eyelids sometimes make me look sleepy or just woke up from bed, and it's not an expressive and attractive look.

I decided to do plastic surgery, but I wanted to do it in a plastic surgery hub country which is Thailand, the most popular country for plastic surgery.
I'm so lucky to have met Thailand's celebrity when I landed at Don Mueang airport.

I only have one stop for my Double Eyelid surgery, DRK. I know them because lots of net idols and celebrities in Laos had gone surgery with them, and it spreads all around the country because of its amazing results.

I went straight to DRK to have a consultation with the well-known experienced surgeon, Dr. Kolawach. He explained to me thoroughly about how he's gonna do the procedure. He measured the height of my eyelid and will do not so full incision, he will make a 3/4 crease, to make my eyes create an open definitive look.
The operation was a success, I didn't have bleeding during and after the surgery. It was not painful because doctor's hands were gentle and skillful.
This is me the next day after my double eyelid surgery. Don't be scared, the bruises and swelling is normal. It may look like that but it's not painful.

I went out on the 2nd day and put my sunglasses on to cover my eyes, also for protection from the heat of the sun.

I went to see my friends. I can do my normal routine, it feels like I didn't have a double eyelid operation at all which is great because the downtime is like nothing.

5 days after my double eyelid surgery. I went back to working. I am so happy that I get compliments from my cohost that my eyes look great and it seems so natural!

I feel confident hosting the opening event of HUAWEI in Laos, I don't have to wear heavy makeup or put sticking eyelid over my eyes.

On the 7th day, my eyes look normal and the definition of the crease is just PERFECT!
All my friends are amazed with how my new eyes looks and my face looks different after my makeover!

No more dull, boring, tired eyes! My eyes looks perfectly shaped! I have achieved the lovely gorgeous eyes I've been dreaming for so long!

One month after, I went to DRK and have a facial treatment for my skin!
I so love DRK for making me look naturally beautiful!
My confidence have boosted up and it build a good personality in me.

I am very thankful of my beauty maker who made my dreams come true in enhancing the shape and expression of my eyes. DRK made my operation unbelievably amazing.
If you want to improve your looks, your personality, your life, DRK will make things possible for you.
Their staff, facility, and the quality of service is outstanding! I highly recommend them!
This is me with my celebrity friends in Laos who also had beauty makeover with DRK! We are DRK beauties! hahahha

This is the comparison of before and after result from my DOUBLE EYELID surgery with DRK!
AMAZING outcome right?! I apply so many eyeliner before, and now I can go out with barely no makeup on my eyes anymore!
The result is so natural and fantastic! Thank you so much DRK!