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STARFORMATION of a Beauty Queen from Laos!

Breast Surgery, Rhinoplasty, Double Eyelid

A fairytale happy ending with my "beauty fairy godfather" DRK. A magical transformation that gives me confidence and love for self!

Breast Surgery, Rhinoplasty, Double Eyelid

Breast Surgery, Rhinoplasty, Double Eyelid

Breast Surgery, Rhinoplasty, Double Eyelid

My first visit at DRK to have a skin laser treatment for radiant and smooth skin like a baby! ^^

Breast Surgery, Rhinoplasty, Double Eyelid

I always fly to Bangkok to get my skin care done at DRK. I don't let other clinics touch my skin. DRK knows my type of skin and they are very professional in taking care of it and maintaining its integrity and keeping it as flawless as it can be.

After a while, I decided to talk to one of their surgeons to check my upper eyelid and breasts. I was planning to have a defined double eyelid and a full-blown woman's breasts since forever but apparently our country has no surgeons like Thailand has.

Breast Surgery, Rhinoplasty, Double Eyelid

Breast Surgery, Rhinoplasty, Double Eyelid

When I go outside to meet my friends or for work related trip, I have to apply cosmetic remedies to get a temporary double eyelid just to make my eyes expressive and detailed. As for my breasts, nothing I can do but wear more padded bras.

Breast Surgery, Rhinoplasty, Double Eyelid

Breast Surgery, Rhinoplasty, Double Eyelid

I decided that my next visit at DRK, I should see their surgeon who is specialized for eyelid surgery and breast surgery to take a look at me and give me recommendations on how to achieve the look that I want.

Breast Surgery, Rhinoplasty, Double Eyelid


Overly flat breasts, a big no no for all women. Agree with me or not, I know most woman and man don't like flat chests. Not just that it doesn't look good, it never felt good nor right. It loses confidence to a woman.

Breast Surgery, Rhinoplasty, Double Eyelid

My doctor advised me to have a 300cc volume of silicone, to be placed under the muscle of my breast and the incision will be below the breast crease. I completely agreed with my doctor, I felt very confident that it will be a natural and beautiful result.

Breast Surgery, Rhinoplasty, Double Eyelid

DRK use only MENTOR silicone implant, this implant is made in the USA. It is most recommended by most surgeons around the world by its known high quality material. My doctor chose a round high profile for me to create a full breast and beautiful looking one.

***This is me on the following day after breast augmentation surgery***

I have to stay one night at the hospital for vital monitoring and stabilization. I'm perfectly well to be discharged today. My breasts are still swelling at this point, and heavy painful feeling. But my surgeon gave me adequate and effective medicines for it. So now I'm better after taking them.

Breast Surgery, Rhinoplasty, Double Eyelid

My double eyelid surgery was a success as well. The incisions are not bleeding and not much bruises. I have to wait till the scars will be totally gone.

Breast Surgery, Rhinoplasty, Double Eyelid

I'm at DRK for follow up. My doctor will check my eyes and my breasts. After 5 days, everything is getting better. My eyes are not that swelling anymore, and my breasts are not painful. Although they're still swollen, but there's no bruises which makes me feel relieved.

Breast Surgery, Rhinoplasty, Double Eyelid

This is the incision wound where my silicone implant was inserted. Good news that it is closed, and very thin line. DRK gave me a topical ointment to help the wound and scar heal faster and disappear finely.

Breast Surgery, Rhinoplasty, Double Eyelid

Breast Surgery, Rhinoplasty, Double Eyelid

***1 week after my double eyelid surgery***

I love how my upper eyelid glows with lovely defined crease. It looks so natural, I look different with those double eyelid.

Breast Surgery, Rhinoplasty, Double Eyelid

Breast Surgery, Rhinoplasty, Double Eyelid

I'm back at DRK for my 1 week follow up! Look what I've got! A remembrance photo from them! So adorable staff at DRK!

Breast Surgery, Rhinoplasty, Double Eyelid

The changes in my eyes give a dramatic glow to my facial expression. My eyes are defined and tells a lot of emotions, happy daring and bold. I love it so much!

Breast Surgery, Rhinoplasty, Double Eyelid

This is the before and after photo comparison of my breasts. From flat to full-blown boobs! I'm now confident wearing clothes because I don't look like a high school kid anymore, and I can confidently go to the beach and wear sexy bikinis.

Breast Surgery, Rhinoplasty, Double Eyelid

Going back to my home country, see you soon Laos! I'm so gonna miss my DRK family!

Breast Surgery, Rhinoplasty, Double Eyelid

Breast Surgery, Rhinoplasty, Double Eyelid

Breast Surgery, Rhinoplasty, Double Eyelid

My friends and family in Laos welcomed me with warm compliments They love how my eyes changed, it look very natural and no visible scar. The defined crease gives me a lovely glow.

My breasts feel and look natural! The size and shape are perfect to my body figure. DRK is really the best BEAUTY MAKER in the whole world!

Breast Surgery, Rhinoplasty, Double Eyelid

A few months ago, I'm just a normal Laosian, now I'm a beauty queen by crown and by heart! My confidence have built up after my double eyelid and breast augmentation surgery at DRK. They made my dream come true, it changed my life in so many incredible ways I can't begin to express.

I am very lucky to have found DRK in my life and become the best part of my fairytale.

Breast Surgery, Rhinoplasty, Double Eyelid

Breast Surgery, Rhinoplasty, Double Eyelid

Breast Surgery, Rhinoplasty, Double Eyelid

Breast Surgery, Rhinoplasty, Double Eyelid

Breast Surgery, Rhinoplasty, Double Eyelid

Breast Surgery, Rhinoplasty, Double Eyelid

The happiness I have is unexplainable, it is something I earned and I know I deserve. So to those who dream to become the Cinderella of your fantasy, you can make it happen, DRK will make things possible for you.


Breast Surgery, Rhinoplasty, Double Eyelid

Breast Surgery, Rhinoplasty, Double Eyelid

Breast Surgery, Rhinoplasty, Double Eyelid

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