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Korean Eyes by Thai doctor at DRK

Double Eyelid

Enhance the definition of the eyes and make it bigger, brighter and better!

Korean eyes are like dolly eyes, they have a definitive crease on the upper eyelid that makes the eyes look glowing!

Hi guys, it's me again, Kangkwan, your DJ from Thailand. After my forehead augmentation using fat graft technique, I decided to come back to DRK for my upper eyelids this time!

Double Eyelid

So my story is typical to most Asian girls, the crease of my upper eyelids are too close from the eyes leaving it to look like I don't have no crease at all. I wanted to give my eyes a more expressive and definitive look, just like the trending Korean beauty of today.

Double Eyelid

It is very difficult to enhance my eyes through makeup, I have to put on thick eyeliners and cosmetic eyelids like sticker plastic to somehow enhance the crease of my eyes and make it look big, but it doesn't help much because it looks so fake and over cosmetic.

Double Eyelid

So I went back to my doctor at DRK, we had a discussion consultation for my desired eyelid and what will be the best option for my face. We came up to an agreement, a natural adhesive procedure, enhancing the natural crease by removing a bit of skin and repositioning the fat inside then stitch them back to make a good natural result of more defined crease.

***1 DAY after my Double Eyelid Surgery***

Once again, I had the BLOODLESS technique by DRK, that's why I didn't have terrible bruises and over swelling over my eyes.

The doctor said I must rest for 2-3 days and put a cold packs over it to help reduce the swelling faster. I have some anti-bacterial ointment over my eyes to put on time aside from the medicines that are prescribed for me.

Double Eyelid

Double Eyelid

***4 DAYS AFTER Double Eyelid Surgery***

The stitches are removed at this time, I am so happy to see my new eyes! I could tell that the crease is defined perfectly for my eyes!!

Double Eyelid

On the 7th day after double eyelid surgery, I went out with my friends. They said that my new eyes look wonderful and it suits my style perfectly. They are also amazed with how fast I recovered from the surgery. My eyes look pretty normal as if I didn't have any surgery at all.

Double Eyelid

This is my eyes without makeup!!! so beautiful right???? I love it so much!!!! It's not swelling anymore! in just a week everything is back to normal!!!

Korean Eyes

***2 WEEKS AFTER Double Eyelid Surgery***

Korean Eyes

Back to work as usual! Thanks to DRK's expertise I healed very fast!

Korean eyes

I am more confident about how I look, especially with my lovely gorgeous eyes! Everyone I met said my eyes are beautiful! and some people think I'm Korean! hahahha!

Everything made possible by DRK. Without them, I wouldn't achieve this kind of happiness and confidence if it wasn't for them. They know what I want and they delivered graciously.

Korean Eyes

Korean eyes

Korean Eyes

Korean Eyes

I would always choose DRK as my Beauty Maker, there's nothing compares them. They have the complete package of services, facilities, surgeons and after care.

The result of my double eyelid surgery is indeed a blast! I love the natural and beautiful crease and it defined my eyes better! More to that, I look like a Korean! What else I could ask for!

Korean Eyes

Korean Eyes

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