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No more sad eyes with Sub Brow Surgery at DRK

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Drooping eyes can make us look sad, dull, tired and even old. I had Sub Brow surgery done at DRK to improve the shape eyes. DRK has highly experienced surgeons that are skillful ensuring their patients safe surgery and beautiful results!


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When people first see me, they always think that I'm sleepy or if I had a bad day for being sad whatsoever. I get annoyed for explaining myself every time. I wanted to improve this condition because it somehow gives me a less appealing and makes me not interested in meeting new people.

DRK surgeon gave me two options, first the double eyelid surgery to create a higher crease but I don't like to have a cut or incision on the eyelid, so the doctor advised me to have sub brow surgery in which it will LIFT my droopy eyelids.

***2 DAYS after SUB BROW surgery***

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Sub brow surgery is not common to young women, it is usually done to aged women which is part of their rejuvenating procedures. But to me, it works perfectly because my droopy eyelids often occur with aged people when the laxity of their skin becomes loose.

***3 DAYS after SUB BROW surgery***

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DRK surgeon perfected the sub brow surgery by achieving a BLOODLESS technique to give me an accurate and safe operation. Because of bloodless technique I had less bruises and less swelling on my eyes. The pain is bearable and can be relieved with pain medication.

***4 DAYS after SUB BROW surgery***

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The incision below my eyebrows is getting thinner. The suture can be removed and also absorbable at the same time. When the time is right (dry wound/incision) the suturing is alright to be cut off.

***7 DAYS after SUB BROW surgery***

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I went to DRK for follow up and the doctor removed the sutures. When I saw it removed, I am happy to see that the wound is totally closed and I recovered so fast!

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The incision was HIDDEN inside the eyebrows so that the scar if there's any will be hidden. DRK surgeon shaved the lower part of my eyebrow that will grow soon in time. When my eyebrows grow back, the incision will be totally hidden leaving it look natural!

***10 Days after SUB BROW surgery***

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The eyebrows are growing back and they cover the incision of my sub brow surgery. My friends say that it look marvelously natural! it changed the expression of my eyes! It gives glow and life to my face!

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***2 WEEKS after SUB BROW surgery***

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NO SCAR! It looks naturally beautiful! No more sad, boring, sleepy eyes! Sub brow surgery is perfect procedure for me thanks to DRK my problem is solved!

Thank you so much DRK for giving me a safe surgery and fast recovery. Above all that I am grateful for the incredible result from sub brow surgery. I will surely come back for more beauty makeover!

For girls who dream to have a fairy transformation, DRK is your godfather! they will make your beauty fantasy come to life!

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