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Increase hair volume on the forehead line made me look more handsome!

Hair Transplant

Look differently handsome with fuller hair volume! Forehead hairline must have a good hair volume to look young. Without a good forehead hairline, the face would look older and this will lead to low self-confidence.

I was born with receding front hairline, it leaves my forehead to look big and wide. Also it makes me look old. My friends and new people I meet often tell me that my receding hairline gives me an older appearance.

***Before Hair Transplant***

Hair Transplant

With this hair sending backwards, I lose confidence to myself. I feel ugly and I cannot have a stylish hair like the trending hairstyle for men today. That's why I decided I need to do something to improve my hair volume. But hair solutions is not my option, I don't like to wait forever to see the result that is not given to me 100%. I would like to do it one time and see the expected result.

DRK has a Hair Transplant procedure that is performed by specialized hair transplant surgeon. They have a cutting-edge technology to ensure that every follicle transferred will survive.

***Preparation for Hair Transplant***

Hair Transplant

The donor site is the back portion of my head to be transplanted to my frontal head are to make the front hairline move forward.

The Hair Transplant procedure was done at DRK clinic, they have a big operating room with complete facilities for the operation. The procedure took 6-7 hours but I was sedated and local anesthesia was administered to give me comfort for the entire hair transplant operation.

Hair Transplant

You see? the space on the front hairline is too big, I really need this hair transplant surgery to improve my hairline.

***NEXT day after Hair transplant***

Hair Transplant

The supplied area shows a tiny spot of blood because of the hair transplanted. but this is normal. I just have to cover it with clean bandage to protect from infection and also reduce the swelling faster.

***3 days after Hair transplant***

Hair Transplant

I still have to wear this bandage for the swelling. Everything is better but I have to wait for a few more days til I can go back to my normal routine.

***7 days after hair transplant***

Hair Transplant

In 7 days, the blood spot is gone, no more swelling and everything seems to heal already. I can do my normal stuff and back to my routine.

Hair Transplant

The hair will come to its full cycle at 5-6 months so I have to wait until the hair comes to its full course.

Hair Transplant

Hair Transplant

In 6 months I can see that my front hairline is now reached its full volume!

I look very different! Younger and handsome!

Hair Transplant

What a big difference! Hair transplant by DRK is really efficient and magnificent result! The surgeon did an incredible job by making sure that the hair transplanted will survive! This is more than 95% of hair survival!

***COMPARISON of Before and After Hair Transplant***

Hair Transplant

Now that I don't have a receding hair line, I can style my hair with any style that I want. Some of my friends tell me I look like Korean star or something with my new hair. I gained more confidence with fuller hair volume.

Hair Transplant

Thank you so much DRK for the best transformation of my life. My hair transplant will be the beginning of the best days of my life. And because of your help, I can now be somebody I always wanted to be. A masculine look with confident soul.

Hair Transplant

Hair Transplant

Hair Transplant

Hair Transplant

Hair Transplant

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