Soft to touch and feel big breast using Mentor USA silicone!

Breast Augmentation is one of the most important transformation for women who want to look sexy. It is normal for women to feel meticulous about their procedure, because it needs to be perfect. From the size of implant, the shape, the texture, the position of the implant (under or above the muscle), the incision area (under the breast, crease of the armpit or around the areola), the facility of OR to be used, the doctor, the medical team, everything must be considered before jumping to a conclusion to go under the knife.
First consideration must be the safety. To have the security of being safe, first you have to look at the surgeon. The surgeon must not only be board certified plastic surgeon but also must have a specialization on breast augmentation procedure. DRK surgeon has practiced in different countries and has many outstanding and successful operations on breast augmentation. The Operating Room facility must also be looked at. Other clinics, they only perform breast augmentation in their center, which is not entirely safe for me because not all clinic has the complete OR devices especially when emergency occurs. At DRK, they are affiliated in a JCI accredited hospital and they perform all major plastic surgery cases there to give safety and security for the patients.
Second consideration must be the implant, the positioning and the incision area. DRK uses MENTOR silicone implant that is made in the USA, it has various size and shape that suits perfectly for my body figure. I chose 375cc for the volume of my implant because I am a tall girl and a bigger built. Below photo is the profile of my breast implant. The incision area is under the breast, I chose this area because this is safer and easier to have access to the breast tissue. Also the incision line will leave a crease that would look normal later then the scar fades. The position of the implant is placed under the muscle, this will give the feeling of natural breasts.

I was confined in the hospital for one night, and the following day I was visited by my doctor for the check up. I didnt have much bruises on my breast, very lucky although it is definitely swelling and tender to touch. Luckily, I can go home and continue my medication at home.

I have to wear this support bra for a couple of weeks to months to help reduce the swelling faster and also to support the breast and avoid if from moving. I have to continue my meds for a week to completely recovery from the surgery.

The incision wound completely closed after a week. DRK gave me an anti scar ointment to help make the scar fade nicely. My breasts still swollen at this time but as you can notice I don't have terrible bruises. Also the shape of my breasts are lovely!

Thank you DRK for the wonderful experience of breast augmentation surgery. I have achieved my desire to have natural breasts! They are very soft and beautiful! I love it!