Beauty Queen Makeover through Breast Augmentation to achieve ultimate confidence of a woman!

Confidence comes from different forms, for some women we find confidence through having a perfect beauty and body. Not all women are gifted to have big breasts and for some that has small breasts or flat-chested, it makes us feel insecure being not "fully" grown body. It also takes courage to agree to have major operation for a big change, but if I'm not courageous enough, I wont be able to attain my dreams.
To those who have read my previous reviews about my rhinoplasty and lip reshape surgery (click to view review) I would like to welcome you all for this another journey with my Beauty Maker, DRK.
It's been my ever long dream to have big breasts. My small boobs made me feel uncomfortable wearing the clothes I want because of my flat chest. I look like I'm still in high school, aside from that I get bullied by it too.

My insecurities lie in my chest, because no matter how hard I try to look like a lady, I will always look like a girl with this small boobs.
DRK, as my ultimate and only one Beauty Maker is a beacon of hope to my dreams. I had to consult with my surgeon at DRK and as expected they have the best solution to my concern.
I can be assured that my result at DRK will be perfect for my taste! They have state-of-the-art technologies and outstanding techniques for breast augmentation surgery.
✔️MENTOR USA silicone ✔️BLOODLESS technique ✔️Small incision leaves you INVISIBLE SCAR ✔️done in JCI accredited hospital ✔️done by Specialized Breast Surgeon ✔️Natural feeling and look ✔️ WOW factor even when close-up ✔️ Bloodless procedure for quick and comfortable recovery ✔️ Safe operation with specialized anesthesiologist



The operation is successful! I didn't have complications whatsoever. Aside from that my recovery took very fast and comfortable. The incision didn't bleed and it closed right away. The swelling was managed correctly by wearing the right support bra. I was back to my normal routine in just a week.

The confidence I have after having breast augmentation surgery is incredible! I can wear my favorite dress and look stunning! I can be called WOMAN now!
The incision lines is fading by the day. DRK gave me an ointment to make the scar disappear in time. My breasts feels very natural, soft to touch and bouncy. It looks natural too, the size is perfect for my chest diameter and body figure.

Thank you so much DRK for another life-changing makeover! You are the best! I have achieved my dream to become a full blown woman. More to that, it was a good experience because I didn't feel any discomfort.
As I continue my journey in beauty world contests, I am now even more confident about myself. And to share an advocate that "you need courage to achieve your dreams" pursue it and never let anybody tell you otherwise.