Typical Asian Monolids to Defined Double Eyelids give good look and confidence!

Having monolids are not attractive for my type. Double Eyelids give my eyes a better shape and more expression than the monolids.
Common to most Asian people is the monolid eyes, meaning it has one upper eyelid. This condition makes us look dull, sleepy, tired and boring. And for all the mentioned description, that make me feel unattractive and unconfident.
As a man, there's no remedy for monolid. Unlike women, they can put on makeup or any artificial eyelids to hide the mono eyelids. But as a man, we can't do those stuff. So the way to go is plastic surgery.
***Before Double Eyelid Surgery***

If you guys don't know, DRK is one of the most trusted plastic surgery center in Thailand. They are popular for their outstanding works. Celebrities and rising stars come to them for beauty makeovers and the result are incredible. That's why, my number one choice for clinic and surgeon is DRK Medical Group.
***Immediately After Double Eyelid Surgery***

The operation took less than an hour, the surgeon is indeed an expert on what he's doing. He really knows what to do and it didn't hurt me at all. Plus they have a signature technique which is the BLOODLESS technique that gives me confidence that my surgery will be a success.
***5 Days after Double Eyelid Surgery***

As claimed, the recovery period is fast and safe. I didn't have any complication whatsoever in 5 days. Moreover, my eyes are not swollen anymore. No more bruises and the incision wound is already closed. I can do normal stuff and can go out and meet my friends.
***1 Week After Double Eyelid Surgery***

Splendid indeed! In just a week I'm healed! I just need to apply the ointment over the scar to make it fade immediately.

The double eyelid enhances the shape of my eyes and it gives expression to my look. I don't look dull and boring anymore. My eyes got bigger and brighter because of the defined double eyelids.
I am very satisfied with the result, now I am more confident with my eyes. It looks very natural as if I didn't have any surgery at all. The crease looks natural because I have no terrible scars.
Thank you DRK for this marvelous transformation and great experience!