Confidence of a real man is a huge achievement! Nose job by DRK made it possible!

Customized silicone implant made in the USA to perfectly fit my nose and bring natural result! DRK uses 3D simulation to measure the nose and its dimension and able to create a new design nose suited for the facial structure.
As a typical Asian guy, I unfortunately had an in-born "flat nose". The bridge in the middle of the eyes is short, down to the nose tip it's facing upward making my nose look flaring. And as a typical Asian guy living in Thailand, plastic surgery is the best answer to get the best result.

Nose plays an important role to our face appearance. Since it is placed in the middle of the face, it basically make a balance dimension for the whole face. So if a person has a flat nose, it will leave an unbalanced facial ratio.
That's why rhinoplasty at DRK is my number one option to go with, because they are best known to have amazing outcome from all their plastic surgery procedures and the patients are loving it.
From that, I want to build my confidence through building good physical appearance, and I'm going to start with my nose.

DRK has a very appealing clinic environment, including the staff and facilities. They have cutting-edge technologies that assures security and safety to clinical procedures. I feel safe in their clinic. My surgeon is such a professional, the rhinoplasty surgery went smoothly and no problem occurred.

The following day after rhinoplasty was swelling, bruises and a bit pain, but still manageable. Thanks to the help of DRK's medicines and remedy tips. I just have to follow their advices and give myself a little rest.

On the third day, swelling and a little bruises is still visible but no more pain. Still have to rest and continue my meds.

In the fourth day, bruises are slowly fading away, but swelling is still there. I have to be very patient in waiting for the final result.

7th day after rhinoplasty, everything is getting better by the day. Although this isn't the final result, I still have to consider the visible swelling and have to be careful in taking care of my nose.

***BEFORE and AFTER Rhinoplasty***

I'm very satisfied with the result, it leaves a big change to my face appearance. The new nose creates a natural balance to my facial structure and this makes me confident about myself.
Thank you DRK for this new nose, this will be a start of a good chapter.