Rhinoplasty surgery changes the look of my entire face! Perfect balance and projection!

Unbelievable but true! Improving the shape and projection of the nose play a major role in achieving a balance facial ratio. Since the nose is the center feature of the face, once it has the good shape and projection it will create a fine and harmony to the whole face.
Ordinary Asian girl, yes I am. Born to have a not-so-high-projected nose. Mostly Asians have a small flat nose. This primary feature of mine, with a flat nose leaves my face an unbalance and unattractive look. Who would want that? Surely not me.
That's why rhinoplasty surgery is the key to resolve this problem. I wanted to gain confidence like most girls and this is the best way I know to achieve it.

If you can notice that my nose doesn't seem balance and the tip is projected up makes it look too open for the nostrils.

It's not easy to find the best surgeon and plastic surgery clinic for you beauty journey. We all don't want to have our operation mistaken that's why I took time to look for the right one.
DRK is one of the top beauty clinic in Bangkok, and trusted by locals especially celebrities. If you can see reviews and before and after photos, you can see incredible and remarkable changes and customer's experience and satisfaction exceeded.

The plaster has to be there for 3 days, together with home remedies to reduce swelling such as cold compress, medicines and plenty of rest. It sure is swollen but good to see less bruises.

Obviously still swollen but luckily to see no bruises. The incision wound inside the nose already healed and no more pain! I am pretty much getting better by the day!

In just 5 days, I can say that I can go back outside and do normal routine as usual. Moreover, the result can be quite seen. The curve of the nose from the height to its tip are marvelous! I like it so much! It's like a barbie nose!


Do you believe it now? How important the shape and projection of the nose can be. It's the major contributor of balanced and harmonious beauty. The shape of my new nose creates a 360° dimension thus makes it normally beautiful.

Big thanks to DRK for this incredible experience, now my life is change because of my beautiful nose. It is more beautiful than I expected. I have gained confidence as I have desired.