DRK Nose Tip Refinement

The nasal tip is plays an important role in achieving a successful rhinoplasty surgery. A balanced and natural outcome depends on the adequate nasal tip refinement and definition. Once the nose tip is asymmetry, excessive width and poor definition, the result is very obvious because this leads to facial unbalanced. Thus this become one of the most challenging procedure in rhinoplasty.
There could be many techniques to refine the nose tip. Other surgeons use the standard cephalic trim of the lower lateral cartilage, scoring and transection of the alar crura and the use of multiple types of cartilage grafts, among others.
DRK use interdomal suture where the use of tip sutures for achieving adequate nose tip refinement and definition. Interdomal suture technique is use to stabilize the remaining lower lateral cartilages after signifcant resection and sculpturing.

Nose tip refinement is the best surgery to correct the bulbous or boxy nasal tip or any nose tip condition that has the potential to compromise the nasal airway. Nasal tip sutures are widely performed by most surgeons to correct and modify the shape and position of the nasal domes where the domes are sutured to be placed accordingly to achieve the desired shape.
Vertical dome divisions breaks the spring, by preventing or reducing the development of the suture tensional forces while allowing maximal cartilage preservation.
Control over tip shape, projection and rotation is achieved according to the M-arch model.

The straight suture traverses the interdomal space and is introduced to the cutaneous aspect of the right dome at the cephalic end of the lateral line and exits through its vestibular aspect.

The suture is reintroduced through a point placed close to the cephalic end of the lateral line, and exits its cutaneous aspect.

The thread is tightened progressively according to the tip definition and narrowing sought. The final knot is placed in the interdomal space where it is buried amid the soft tissues of the area.

During your consultation, Dr. Kolawach will evaluate and measure the dimension of you nose. First, he will measure the bony part between your eyes to check the nasal width. Second, he will examine the midsection or “middle third” of your nose for width and how it blends to your cheek. Another parameter he will assess is how smoothly one portion of the nose transitions to the next.
On the nasal tip, the definition will be determined by how far it could project from the face which is called "tip projection". The tip creates the dramatic shape for the entire nose, thus this needs to be balanced, elegant and beautiful.