2x more beautiful, 2 procedures in one-time can give you the Korean VShape Face!

Chin augmentation and Buccal Fat Removal are the perfect combination to achieve the slender face like Koreans. Vshape face can be attain by enhancing the prominence of the chin and getting rid of the chubby cheeks.

VShape face is a common beauty aspiration for women, especially for us Asians. It’s because the VShape face has a slender look of the cheeks thus making the face look pretty and sexy. This beauty style is started by Koreans which has a big influence on Asian girls in Thailand, Philippines, Singapore and many others.

As a woman, I wanted to give myself the confidence from beauty. I have insecurities on my receding chin and flabby cheeks. I wanted to get rid of the fats on my cheeks and improve the the prominence of my chin. By achieving this, I would achieve the VSHAPE face I so desire.
Why I chose DRK? There are many reasons, for starters, the doctor during my consultation gave me the most easy-to-understand explanation regarding my concern. Aside from that, he gave me a realistic result. He made me envisioned what could be the outcome and how to take care of it to meet expectations.

For chin augmentation, DRK has a screw technique to secure the implant to the bone in place. Some implants (those of my other friends) they had problem with their implant because it was misplaced and mispositioned when they do some actives. It went sideways, and they have to go back to their doctors to get it fixed. Some clinics they do the incision under the chin, which is odd because it will leave a scar and doesn’t look natural at all. But with DRK, the incision is inside the chin, which will have a better outcome, NO SCAR visible. Plus DRK has a bloodless technique that assures safe procedure.
On the other hand, the buccal fat removal is a technique that removes the buccal fat pad that is normal to all people, and supposedly it will be gone or disappear as we get older. But for some people, these buccal fat pad doesn’t disappear. So it’s totally normal to get rid of them. The incision is also inside the cheeks so it will leave no scar!

In just a week, I was able to recovery, and in a month, I can clearly see the result! The experience is really amazing since the very first day (consultation) up to the outcome! What DRK promised me during the consultation happened! And it’s even more beautiful that how I imagined it! Above all, the recovery was the easiest and comfortable downtime I ever had. The medical assistants are always there for me to guide me all throughout my recovery time.

I am very lucky that I have DRK as my beauty maker. I am very much satisfied with the result. Now I have the Vshape face I’ve been longing for. My chin is created the balance ratio for the whole face and the cheeks are now slim! I look like Korean! ^^