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Wear sleeveless confidently with NO FLAPPY arms through FAST-EFFECT Vaser Liposuction at DRK!


Big Flappy Arms is never sexy for any girl. Diet and going to the gym every single day is painful and takes so much time to achieve the desired result. Patience, endurance, and perseverance are needed to keeping up the hard work just to get the SLIM ARMS we yearn for.

Vaser Liposelection / Liposuction is the other best option to get rid of the unwanted fats in just one procedure. Time-saving because it helps you skip the gym run-time off your schedule, instead of doing other productive important stuff for work or other activity we go to the gym just so we can keep the figure we want or obtain it. Less effort, gym and diet is honestly the most brutal for a girl so with Vaser Liposelection, no more hard times for not excessive diet and vigorous exertion in the gym. Effectivity, Vaser liposelection removes the unwanted fats that are accumulated by gaining weight through a laser that collectively selects the area where the fat resides. It also have a tightening and firming after effect that even if the body loses a fat on a particular area, it will not leave a loose or saggy crumpled skin.

***BEFORE ARM Vaser Liposelection***


Look at that bulky fatty arms on the sides and the inner wing area, when I wear sleeveless it would look like this.



Girls usually are very body conscious, we tend to be perfect with our faces and body. For me I'm not confident to where my favorite sleeveless because of my big fatty arms. And I hate going to the gym because I feel tired and exhausted after, and unable to do other stuff because I have exerted all my efforts spending only in the gym.

Since I am already a number fan of DRK (my friends and other celebs trust DRK) I have no other options to go to but only at DRK. I know they have the best team and facilities to accommodate and deliver the needs that I want accurately and effectively.


In the operating room the doctor measured befittingly the area on my arms that needed to be liposuctioned which is where the unwanted fats reside.


This is the area that the doctor will work on to remove the fats on my arm. He injected local anesthesia so I will feel no pain during the Vaser Liposuction.


After the local anesthesia was administered, I feel comfortable during the vaser liposuction procedure. I can feel that the vaser is moving inside the arm but it didn't feel any pain or discomfort. The surgeon and medical team made sure that I was at ease. I am very sure and confident about the surgery.




Look at that! This is the amount of fat that was removed from both arms! A lot right?! can you now imagine how much fat was causing my arms to appear flabby and bulky?! I am very happy that those unwanted fats are now gone!




Miracle! I don't see the flabby arms like before! The result is very instant! I almost did nothing! One week from operation, I can now move my arms normally. Although I will have to wait till the swelling is completely gone.

I am very satisfied with the result, it leaves no scar on the incision area, the healing process is very fast and I didn't have any complication during my recovery.


My friends and relatives are very happy and exciting every time I see them because of they notice that my arms get slimmer and slimmer every time we meet. I am very confident to wear short sleeves shirts and my favorite sleeveless.

Thank you DRK for the incredible Vaser Liposuction!



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